Yoga for children

Yoga is not just for adults; it is a great way to usher tiny tots into a healthy regimen. Yoga is a multifaceted subject. Aspects of yoga, when properly taught under a yoga practitioner, will provide children with sound physical and mental health and lead to balanced growth.


Children should first be taught asanas that correct anatomical defects and create flexibility. Having prepared the foundation properly, the teacher should proceed to teach complicated asanas that affect physiology and psychology of a child. Yoga asanas are not contortion of the body. Skill in the performance of yoga asana means correct placement of limbs and muscles in difference postures.


Physiological importance of yoga for children

It improves circulation vital to proper functions of the body.
It nourishes and stimulates the endocrinal gland which governs growth and development.
It helps to establish regular and easy menstrual cycle.
It enhances mental capacity.
It strengthens the nervous system thereby improving endurance.
It helps the child to become self-disciplined and self-controlled and less prone to extremities of behaviour.
It regulates the adrenal glands, thus check aggressive behaviour.
It regulates pituitary and  pineal functions thus correcting brooding behaviour in girls.It checks lethargy.
It builds self-confidence.It helps to develop moral, ethical character.


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