Apaan vayu

Benefits of Apan vayu mudra :- It is like a medicine for Blood pressure.   ( blood pressure balance करना ),  Effective on toothache ( दात  का दर्द ), Relieves headache ( सिर का दर्द दूर करना ), helpful to cure acidity ( acidity दूर करना ), cures gas trouble (गैस की परेशानी दूर करना ), one should definitely try the Apan vayu mudra for heart problems and to keep their heart fit. It normalizes pulse rate also ( धडकन सही करना  ),  it is helpful in arthritis .people suffering from osteoarthritis and pain in knees can do this mudra for 10 minutes before climbing upstairs ; they will feel relieved of pain .  It removes all negative emotions from the mind , and all negative pressure of the body.  It soothes the nervous system and can also cures insomnia. It is considered as life saver in case of heart attack . People with a history of cardiac problems should practice this mudra on a regular basis. The benefits of Apan vayu mudra also extend to those who suffer from gastric problems such as heartburn and indigestion.


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