Swollen feet

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Swollen Ankles and Feet

Swollen ankles and swollen feet are common and usually not cause for concern, particularly if you have been standing or walking a lot. But feet andankles that stay swollen or are accompanied by other symptoms could signal a serious health problem. WebMD looks at some possible causes of foot and ankle swelling and offers advice on when to call the doctor.

Pregnancy complications. Some swelling of the ankles and feet is normal during pregnancy. Sudden or excessive swelling, however, may be a sign of preeclampsia, a serious condition in whichhigh blood pressure and protein in the urine develop after the 20th week of pregnancy. If you experience severe swelling or swelling accompanied by other symptoms such asabdominal pain, headaches, infrequent urination,nausea and vomiting, or vision changes, call your doctor immediately.

Foot or ankle injury. An injury to the foot or ankle can lead to swelling. The most common is asprained ankle, which occurs when an injury or misstep causes the ligaments that hold the ankle in place to be stretched beyond their normal range. To reduce the swelling from a foot or ankle injury, rest to avoid walking on the injured ankle or foot, use ice packs, wrap the foot or ankle with compression bandage, and elevate the foot on a stool or pillow. If swelling and pain is severe or doesn't improve with home treatment, see your doctor.

Lymphedema. This is a collection of lymphatic fluid in the tissues that can develop because of the absence of or problems with the lymph vessels or after the removal of lymph nodes. Lymph is a protein-rich fluid that normally travels along an extensive network of vessels and capillaries. It is filtered through the lymph nodes, which trap and destroy unwanted substances, such as bacteria. When there is a problem with the vessels or lymph nodes, however, the fluid's movement can be blocked. Untreated, lymph buildup can impair wound healing and lead to infection and deformity.Lymphedema is common following radiation therapy or removal of the lymph nodes in patients with cancer. If you have undergonecancer treatment and experience swelling, see your doctor right away.

Venous insufficiency. Swelling of the ankles and feet is often an early symptom of venous insufficiency, a condition in which bloodinadequately moves up the veins from the legs and feet up to the heart. Normally, the veins keep blood flowing upward with one-way valves. When these valves become damaged or weakened, the blood leaks back down the vessels and fluid is retained in the soft tissue of the lower legs, especially the ankles and feet. Chronic venous insufficiency can lead to skinchanges, skin ulcers, and infection. If you experience signs of venous insufficiency you should see your doctor.

Infection. Swelling in the feet and ankles can be a sign of infection. People with diabetic neuropathy or other nerve problems of the feet are at greater risk for foot infections. If you havediabetes, it is important to inspect feet daily forblisters and sores, because nerve damage can blunt the pain sensation and foot problems can progress quickly. If you notice a swollen foot or blister that appears to be infected, contact your doctor right away.

Blood clot. Blood clots that form in the veins of the legs can stop the return flow of blood from the legs back up to the heart and cause swelling in the ankles and feet. Blood clots can be either superficial (occurring in the veins just beneath the skin), or deep (a condition known as deep vein thrombosis). Deep clots can block one or more of the major veins of the legs. These blood clots can be life-threatening if they break loose and travel to the heart and lungs. If you have swelling in one leg, along with pain, low-grade fever, and possibly a change in color of the affected leg, call your doctor immediately. Treatment with blood thinners may be necessary.

Heart, liver, or kidney disease. Sometimes swelling can indicate a problem such as heart,liver, or kidney disease. Ankles that swell in the evening could be a sign of retaining salt and water because of right-sided heart failure. Kidney disease can also cause foot and ankle swelling. When kidneys are not functioning properly, fluid can build up in the body. Liver disease can affect the liver's production of a protein called albumin, which keeps the blood from leaking out of the blood vessels into the surrounding tissues. Inadequate albumin production can lead to fluid leakage. Gravity causes fluid to accumulate more in the feet and ankles, but fluid can also accumulate in theabdomen and chest. If your swelling is accompanied by other symptoms, includingfatigue, loss of appetite, and weight gain, see your doctor right away.

Epsom Salt Soak

Epsom salts work magic on painfully swollen feet. There are a lot of reasons feet can swell and the accompanying pain can cause a lot of discomfort. Dissolving a few cups in your bathwater will do the trick on fatigued tootsies, calves, and ankles. If you don’t want to waste water on a full bath, you can always prepare an Epsom salt foot bath in a shallow bucket of water. Soak your feet for at least 15-20 minutes, longer if you have the time.

Some health professionals recommend using Epsom salts for swelling, but also for feet that are injured or infected, and even for arthritis. These salts are quite low in price with potentially great benefits for overall foot health. Epsom salts are made of magnesium sulfate that is absorbed through the skin – the reason why these salts are so successful at reducing swelling and improving blood circulation. An added bonus? They’ll also make and keep your feet smelling good for longer and sooth dry skin.
🌿Yoga Artist 🌿 www.sdpsyoga.blogspot.in

Gentle exercises such as yoga postures can do much to encourage blood circulation, which will stop blood from pooling in certain areas like the feet and ankles. Many posture to help with swelling involve flexing and extending your toes and feet. By stretching the muscles in your lower legs and feet, you can improve circulation. Yoga inversion postures that elevate the feet above the heart – such as lying on your back and putting your legs straight up against a wall – can also alleviate pressure and swelling on fatigued lower extremities.

Yoga is a common remedy for edema, a medical condition that causes feet and legs to retain fluid, resulting in uncomfortable swelling. Pregnant women are especially susceptible to this condition, which can add to the already-present discomfort of carrying a child. If you want to try home remedies like yoga for swollen feet, it’s best to talk to your doctor beforehand, as well as take a yoga class to learn how to do the poses properly.
🌿Yoga Artist 🌿 www.sdpsyoga.blogspot.in


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