Purak, Rechak, Kumbhak are the steps of - A. Kapalbhati B. Meditation C. Pranayam D. Bandha For still gazing, we usually make use of a _____________
1. Flower
2. Book
3. Candle
4. Pen Tamsik food is identified as ___________
1. Over ripe and uncooked
2. Sour and bitter
3. Tasty
4. Frozen During emergency, _____________ helps save life of a person.
1. Making video
2. Group Discussions
3. Panic
4. First aid The BMI reading of 30 kg/m2 and above states the risk of _____________
1. Obesity
2. Arthritis
3. Asthma
4. Hypertension What are the characteristics of Rajsik diet? A. Tasty and fulfilling for the heart B. Bitter, sour, pungent C. Not completely cooked with no taste and flavor D. None of the above Arthritis is characterized by – A. Increase in Blood Pressure B. Difficulty in breathing D. Swelling & Stiffness in joints C. None of the above The practice of ________________ pranayama involves drawing of air through the mouth. A. Ujjayi B. Bhramari C. Surya bhedan ...