
Green Skills

Class XII Green Skills Session 1: Green Jobs 1. Nowadays, we are experiencing unpredictable weather conditions due to ____________________. a. Climatic Change b. Environmental Deterioration c. Both a) and b) d. None of the above 2. What are the various ways of controlling and minimizing the pollution levels? a. Plant trees near our houses and other places b. Use eco – friendly mode of transport c. Use cloth bags instead of plastic bags d. All of the above 3. _______________ is the most popular plant which absorbs harmful pollutants from the air. a. Areca Palm b. Rubber Absorb c. Both a) and b) d. None of the above 4. A way we can contribute to the environment is by encouraging ___________. a. Green Jobs b. Green Product c. Green Surface d. All of the above 5. In which sector or industry Green Jobs are required. a. Traditional Sectors b. Manufacturing and Construction Sector c. Both a) and b) d. None of the above 6. According to the United Nations Environ...

Entrepreneurial Skills Class XI and XII

1. Entrepreneurs discover an idea to seize on an opportunity, mobilize money, generate resources, and take calculated risks in order to expand the market or start a new business for _____________. a. Products b. Processes c. Services d. All of the above 2. Entrepreneurship development refers to the process of enhancing entrepreneurial skills and knowledge through _______________ programmes. a. Structured training b. Institution building c. Both a) and b) d. None of the above 3. To determine the market potential, it is useful to _______________ before programme formulation. a. Need Assessment b. Need Survey c. Both a) and b) d. None of the above 4. Training in entrepreneurship development needs to include support for___________. a. Entrepreneurship Orientation and awareness b. Development of competencies c. Improvement of business performance for growth and competitiveness d. All of the above 5. The ______________________ is a premier organization of the Mini...

Self manegement Skill Important Notes

Session 1: Motivation and Positive Attitude 1. Self-management, also known as _________, is the ability to effectively control one’s emotions, behavior and thoughts. a. Self – control b. Self – innovative c. Self – Design d. None of the above 2. To manage oneself well, a person needs to develop the ______________. a. Positive Thinking b. Result Orientation c. Self Awareness d. All of the above 3. Motivation is derived from the word _____________. a. Motive b. Motion c. Motivation d. None of the above 4. Type of motivation in employability Skills? a. Intrinsic Motivation b. Extrinsic Motivation c. Both a) and b) d. None of the above 5. ____________ includes activities for which there is no apparent reward but one derives enjoyment and satisfaction in doing them. a. Intrinsic Motivation b. Extrinsic Motivation c. Both a) and b) d. None of the above 6. __________ arises because of incentives or external rewards. Lack of motivation or incentives may lead to frustration. a. Intrinsic Mot...

Important MCQ and One Marks Questions 841 (Yog Skill)

Purak, Rechak, Kumbhak are the steps of - A. Kapalbhati B. Meditation C. Pranayam D. Bandha For still gazing, we usually make use of a _____________ 1. Flower 2. Book 3. Candle 4. Pen Tamsik food is identified as ___________ 1. Over ripe and uncooked 2. Sour and bitter 3. Tasty 4. Frozen During emergency, _____________ helps save life of a person. 1. Making video 2. Group Discussions 3. Panic 4. First aid The BMI reading of 30 kg/m2 and above states the risk of _____________ 1. Obesity 2. Arthritis 3. Asthma 4. Hypertension What are the characteristics of Rajsik diet? A. Tasty and fulfilling for the heart B. Bitter, sour, pungent C. Not completely cooked with no taste and flavor D. None of the above Arthritis is characterized by – A. Increase in Blood Pressure B. Difficulty in breathing D. Swelling & Stiffness in joints C. None of the above The practice of ________________ pranayama involves drawing of air through the mouth. A. Ujjayi B. Bhramari C. Surya bhedan ...