Yoga is the traditional art of body and mind fitness. It aims to restore the balance between one’s body, mind and spirit through a series of gentle exercises, breathing techniques and meditation. Yoga is beneficial for everyone, but it is especially so for teenagers; given that these can be difficult years, both emotionally and physically, yoga can help teens find inner peace, confidence as well as ensure physical fitness. Improves Fitness – Yoga for teens helps in leading healthy and happy lives. As little as fifteen minutes of yoga practice can help boost health: teen yoga improves lung capacity and as a result blood circulation; it strengthens immunity; improves body posture; optimizes body functions; and boosts energy flow in the body. In addition, the stretches and bends involved in the practice ensure a well toned, fit body. Improves Focus – Yoga for teenagers comes with another big advantage: it helps them develop focus, concentration and im...
One of the cornerstones of a successful life lies in having enough confidence and developing a positive attitude. The right attitude can get you through some difficult times that are bound to crop up every now and then. It allows you maintain composure and spirit in the face of a fight. But how does one develop a positive attitude? Positive Thinking is one of the fundamental concepts of yoga. This traditional fitness form is known for its therapeutic properties. It also plays a vital role in developing greater self awareness, self confidence, and a positive attitude. Yoga incorporates a series of postures, deep breathing, and meditation techniques. Each infuses the body and individual with a positive energy. Yoga supports the thought that negativity has a detrimental effect on the body and mind. It weighs down an individual breaking down his spirit and health. With a regular yoga regime, you can teach your mind to control negative emotions and stay focused. Develo...