Yoga for teenagers
Yoga is the traditional art of body and mind
fitness. It aims to restore the balance between
one’s body, mind and spirit through a series of
gentle exercises, breathing techniques and
Yoga is beneficial for everyone, but it is especially
so for teenagers; given that these can be difficult
years, both emotionally and physically, yoga can
help teens find inner peace, confidence as well as
ensure physical fitness.
Improves Fitness – Yoga for teens helps in
leading healthy and happy lives. As little as fifteen
minutes of yoga practice can help boost health:
teen yoga improves lung capacity and as a result
blood circulation; it strengthens immunity;
improves body posture; optimizes body functions;
and boosts energy flow in the body. In addition,
the stretches and bends involved in the practice
ensure a well toned, fit body.
Improves Focus – Yoga for teenagers comes with
another big advantage: it helps them develop
focus, concentration and improve memory. Any
teenage will agree that with increasing academic
curriculum and growing completion, any
advantage he or she might be able to leverage
would be helpful, and if it come in the same
shape of a few well executed yoga poses for
teens, all the better.
Instills Confidence – The teenage years can be
the most difficult years, both physically and
emotionally. Yoga helps teens accept this difficult
phase. Regular practice of yoga helps instill a
positive self image. It teaches the teen to be
comfortable, confident and positive.
Controls Stress – We live in stressful time and
teenagers too have to bare their fair share of
stress. With increasing academic and social
pressures teenagers are falling prey to anxiety
disorders and breakdowns. Through the regular
practice of yoga exercises for teenagers , they can
learn to cope with the demands and situations
that life presents. Yoga instills an inner sense of
calm, allowing teens to make clear and precise
Yoga can make the teenage years seem wonderful
again. Here are a few yoga exercise tips for teens
that can make all the difference:
Mountain Pose – the mountain pose is a classic
yoga stretch. It channels the flow of energy
through the entire body and works the muscles to
fitness as well. This pose is a simple one: simply
stand straight and hold your hands above your
head. Join your hands and hold the pose for a
few seconds. Repeat.
Tree Pose – another basic pose in the yoga
arsenal is the tree pose. This posture is known to
improve balance and strength. It is also beneficial
in developing concentration. Stand upright with
hands joined above the head. Keeping your frame
upright, place your right foot on the inner left
thigh. Maintain balance as you hold the pose.
Sun Salutations – one of the most effective yoga
routines is the sun salutations. This is a sequence
of 12 basic yoga postures performed in sets.
Depending on time and stamina, practicing cycles
of sun salutations gives the body and mind a
complete work out.
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