Bhujangasana yoga pose, also known as the cobra pose, is very effective in dealing with spinal cord pain. People who have a slipped disc problem are greatly benefited by this asana. It essentially depicts flexibility and eternity of King Cobra and is performed through the following steps: Lie down on the ground facing the floor with your chest and abdomen touching the ground.The legs should be joined properly in such fashion that the heels and knees of both legs touch each other. Now stretch the legs as much as possible to resemble the tail of a serpent.Place the palms near the chest facing the ground and slowly lift the head. The elbows should be straight and stretched completely.Now lift the upper body part including the head, neck, shoulders, chest and upper part of the abdomen in such a manner that it resembles the shape of a hooded cobra. All the weight is exerted on the hands, thighs and the legs.Bend your neck as much as you can to feel the stretch in your spines. Hold y...